
How to decide which clothes to donate?

By Sarah Perchikoff April 11, 2022

Deciding to donate and deciding what to donate are two completely different things. Don’t worry, though. We have some tips on how to decide what to keep, what to donate, and what to toss.

Step 1: Make three piles of clothes

When going through all your clothes, it’s best to create three separate piles: what you need to keep, what you want to donate, and what is in such bad condition that it’s not worth donating and should just be thrown in the trash. It can make the process much less overwhelming.

Step 2: Try to only donate clothes that are clean, hole-free, and gently used

While some clothes donation organizations will take just about anything, it’s best to give them only the stuff that is wearable. The people getting the donations will appreciate them much more if they are clean, free of holes, and only slightly used.

Step 3:  Check to see what the organization will take

Before you go to drop-off at your donation or have your donation picked up, make sure to check what the organization takes. Not every organization near you may take shoes or certain types of clothing. It will save time if you know beforehand what to bring and what to leave behind.

Step 4: If you’ve had it for a few years and haven’t worn it, donate it

If you’ve had something for more than a year or two and there are no occasions coming up for that piece of clothing, donate it. It’s clear you don’t love it as much as you thought you would. Donate it, and hopefully, someone else will fall in love with it.

Step 5: If it’s too big or too small, donate it

You also only want to keep things that fit you now. Having clothing in your closet that doesn’t fit you takes up much-needed space (in moving boxes and in your new home). Give it to a clothing donation organization near you and buy smaller or bigger clothes when you need them.

Step 6: Does it fit your current lifestyle?

Does that mini skirt still make sense with your 9–5 daily grind? Are you ever going to wear that Hawaiian shirt again? If something no longer fits your current lifestyle or personal style, donate it! Most likely, it will just spend time in your closet at your new home if you don’t. Donating it will free up some space for you and the item might be the perfect thing for someone else.

The bottom line

If you’re planning on sorting through your closet before your big move, the charities we’ve covered (or one you find on your own) will certainly benefit from your clothing donations. You won’t regret the donation — and you definitely won’t regret having a clean and organized closet once you’re done.

Frequently asked questions

Q: How do I organize my clothes for donation?

A: Go through all your clothes and sort them into three piles: keep, donate, and toss. Whatever you choose to donate can go in bags or boxes and either be dropped off or picked up by the clothes donation organization.

Q: Should I donate or sell clothes?

A: That’s really up to you. Do you need extra money for your move? You might try selling your clothes, but there is no guarantee they will sell. By donating, you can almost guarantee someone in need will appreciate your donation and get some use out of your old clothing.

Q: Is it better to donate to Goodwill or Salvation Army?

A: Neither is better than the other. They both help poor, impoverished, and/or homeless people who need jobs, clothes, and food. Both help with job training, but Goodwill specializes in it by having people work in their stores. Salvation Army also helps with disaster relief, veteran services, and services for the elderly.

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