
Book Review: The Amazing Adventures of Aya & Pete in New York

By Serena Minott & Gore; Illustrated by Carolina Buzio

By Amanda, Creator, Enchanted Literacy December 6, 2022

Recommended ages 3-7 years

The third book in the Aya & Pete series takes young global citizens through the streets of New York City in this friendship-filled adventure. Aya is visiting her aunt and cousin while her parents are away. Their days are filled with quintessential New York things like starting off with a good bagel, navigating through the skyscrapers, and visiting the diverse neighborhoods. Along the way, however, Pete, the lovable yellow sloth that goes everywhere with Aya, gets lost! Turning the exploring adventure into a rescue mission, Aya and her family retrace their steps to reunite with her best bud.

This is a fun book for parents to use to help expand their child’s worldview. We love the map of the city included in the illustrations. For my four-year-old, I loved deepening her understanding of the geography of the city and this is such a fun way to enforce that knowledge. There is also great lingo included seamlessly throughout the story which makes this a very informative book good for classrooms and families with the desire to explore new places. Flipping through the pages it’s easy to say I am on board with team Aya & Pete, I mean how cute is this duo?! Petey makes me want to have my own yellow sloth friend to hang out with. If you’re looking for more of their adventures you can find Aya & Pete in Paris and London!

Amanda is a preschool teacher, mother and avid Central Park picnicker. She values community and is an advocate for families in the foster care system. One day she hopes to publish a children's book of her own. In the meantime, you can follow her Instagram, Enchanted Literacy, which encourages imagination and passion for reading.