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Book Review: A Pinch of Love

Written By Barry Timms and Tisha Lee

By Amanda Elshahawi, Creator, Enchanted Literacy July 30, 2024

Recommended Ages 3-7 years

It’s Valentine's week and I have to say, I love love. I know American culture has really made this a “Hallmark Holiday”, but I enjoy the community effort of lavishing a little extra love and care on those around. When it comes to kids, I steer away from romantic love. We’re big Disney princess fans over here (all hail Queen Elsa and Princess Jasmine) but I think Walt could use a lesson or two on what it really means to love (though Frozen is getting closer). There’s more to love than romantic love.

With my children over the holiday, I of course lavish them with maternal love, point them to agape love, and try to teach them about friendship and neighborly love. The latest picture book by Barry Timms and Trisha Lee helps me do just this. A story that explores loving moments in a community through the eyes of a young boy and his grandmother as they bake cookies for their neighborhood bake sale. Lee’s illustrations are simple, bright and beautiful. They are a great representation of how little acts of kindness can spread love, bring healing and cheer. Noting that life comes with struggles and sometimes it feels like there is little to smile about, Timms reminds us to have courage and remember just a pinch of love can help our spirits rise.

I love comparing love to baking, tying them together like the perfect gift with acts of kindness. This book is the read we all need on Valentine's day and beyond to remind us to spread a little love. If it inspires you, maybe you’ll try to bake or create something and add a pinch of love for your neighbors, and see what happens.

Amanda is a preschool teacher, mother and avid Central Park picnicker. She values community and is an advocate for families in the foster care system. One day she hopes to publish a children's book of her own. In the meantime, you can follow her Instagram, Enchanted Literacy, which encourages imagination and passion for reading.