
Book Review: Grown-ups Never Do That

Written By Davide Cali, Benjamin Chaud

By Amanda Elshahawi, Creator, Enchanted Literacy May 30, 2023

Recommended Ages 5 - 8 years

Adults never misbehave. Never make funny faces, they’re never clumsy or are wrong. Ever. Or so says authors of Grown-ups Never Do That, and countless other adults. Imagine grown-ups taking a painting off the museum wall and smashing it over their head. Or blaming a dog when they accidentally paint the wrong thing. Perhaps imagine throwing a tantrum when they lose a sports game, burping at a fancy meal, or complaining about waking up early. Grown-ups never do that. Right?

In hilarious fashion readers flip through scene after scene of adults behaving in such ways, being closely observed by the kids around them. Some outrageous scenarios and some pretty spot-on ones. The simple phrases we read point to the often-given directions to kids on how to behave properly. Don’t neglect your chores, waste time, or be late. Illustrations are detailed, exaggerated, and a little off balance leaving you soaking in the upside-down world.

There is a clear statement being made in the book that will leave one a little lighter in the heart and perhaps a bit introspective. But mostly, the book is just good fun. Meant to be enjoyed by parents and children alike. If you’re looking for a book to bond over, or perhaps a gift for Father’s Day this may be the one for you. May it inspire you to behave, misbehave, or at the very least have some fun together.

Amanda is a preschool teacher, mother and avid Central Park picnicker. She values community and is an advocate for families in the foster care system. One day she hopes to publish a children's book of her own. In the meantime, you can follow her Instagram, Enchanted Literacy, which encourages imagination and passion for reading.