
Book Review: The Hike

Written By Alison Farrell

By Amanda Elshahawi, Creator, Enchanted Literacy June 13, 2023

Recommended Ages: 4-7 years old

The woods are alive with imagination. Kids know it. Even the most city-loving child will find new enchantments when they walk in the golden rays between bark and leaves. Summer days are for exploring every inch of the park around us. We’ve been winding our way up to the North Woods, which has three hidden waterfalls waiting to be admired. Along with bird watching, bug finding, and leaf scouting, afternoon hikes in the woods contain lots of quality time. Three kids; Wren, El, and Hattie have also learned all the joys of a day lost in greenery in the book, The Hike by Alison Farrell.

In this comic-style picture book, the trio plan a day hike through Buck Mountains. Running like maniacs, slowing down to eat thimbleberries, and teaching each other unique skills such as creating a leaf basket they explore the nature around them. The book contains a simple storyline that readers move through with conversation bubbles and poetic sounds of the forest. One highlight in the book is taking a glimpse at Wren’s sketchbook, which gets filled in as they journey along. Consider this the reader’s first field guide to what they might discover on such a hike. I enjoyed following along with their outdoor adventure, and in case you’d like to, you can check out the hardcopy or e-book version at your local NYPL

Amanda is a preschool teacher, mother and avid Central Park picnicker. She values community and is an advocate for families in the foster care system. One day she hopes to publish a children's book of her own. In the meantime, you can follow her Instagram, Enchanted Literacy, which encourages imagination and passion for reading.