
You Matter

By Sweta Shah Sakhpara, Founder, PranaWorks October 23, 2023

To matter is a need within us - to our family, to our friends, to our jobs, to our society. The eternal question of “Why was I put on Earth?” If we could find an answer to this, we would know whether we matter or not. At each stage in life, whatever role you choose to play at that stage, remember you matter. Your contributions, no matter how insignificant you may think they are, matter. Your presence matters.

And so does your absence.

There are times when we realize we are being walked over, taken for granted, devalued, and made to feel insignificant. One day you are the world to them and the next they don’t have the time to say hello!? You know why? Because you are always there. Always available. Always dependable. Always REPLACEABLE. So many of us try to subtly draw a line. But, why be subtle? By all means be loud, be assertive, own it - make it matter.

Your presence, your existence - is invaluable. It’s not something people should get as per their convenience. Change the narrative. They get you as per YOUR convenience. Because sometimes, your absence speaks louder than your presence does. It says that you mattered then and you still matter. When they realize this simple truth, you will know. Because, you will be explicitly told, you matter.

Go and make it known. By speaking up or by walking away. That is your choice.


Sweta Shah Sakhpara is a pranic energy therapist and a pranic psychotherapist. She also teaches mindfulness and meditation to kids, adults and families. When she is not doing any of the above, she actively practices being a mindful parent to two kids. 

Having learned and practiced pranic healing for ~fifteen years, Sweta has been blessed with the trust of many clients for ailments as simple as a headache to complex ones like Tourette’s syndrome,  from depression and anxiety to finding ways to embrace the idea of a new normal with a child being diagnosed on the spectrum. You could read more about her HERE.