
Color Me Purple

By Sweta Shah Sakhpara, Founder, PranaWorks March 11, 2025

Have you ever met someone at random and clicked instantly? Like, you have known them all your life? There is absolutely zero awkwardness when you are around them?

No, I am not talking about soulmates. I am talking about Purple People.

They just make everything feel nice & good. You can be your craziest with them and not worry about being judged. You can be your saddest with them and they’ll not get tired of you.

When you are around your purple person (or people), you are rarely sad. Their energy vibrates on a higher plane and makes you rise with them.

You might have just met for lunch, and yet as soon as you get home, you have to text them. But here is the deal: they feel the same way about you, too.

This doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship. It is usually not.

It is a friend, a sibling, a work friend, a gym class companion, your bus mate, your child’s friend’s mom from elementary school on another continent altogether (hey, life happens... people move) - it can be anyone!

If you have a purple person in your life, congratulations. Do tell them how good your life gets because they are in it!

If you haven’t found your purple person yet, look closely. They just might be right there, waiting for you to find them.

Alternately, you could consciously become a purple person yourself and radiate your purple-ness (topic for another week) - people will gravitate towards you. 

Until then, look around for lilac, lavender, or purple. 💜 🙏

Sweta Shah Sakhpara is a pranic energy therapist and a pranic psychotherapist. She also teaches mindfulness and meditation to kids, adults and families. When she is not doing any of the above, she actively practices being a mindful parent to two kids. 

Having learned and practiced pranic healing for ~fifteen years, Sweta has been blessed with the trust of many clients for ailments as simple as a headache to complex ones like Tourette’s syndrome, from depression and anxiety to finding ways to embrace the idea of a new normal with a child being diagnosed on the spectrum. You could read more about her HERE.